⚠️ Important Scam Alert: Phishing Emails - We have been made aware that fraudulent emails are being sent from sales@starrafoods.com, which is NOT affiliated with Stara Foods. Please be cautious and avoid engaging with any messages from this incorrect email address. Do not provide any personal or financial information. Do not click any links or download attachments from this email.
Global Reach

What we do
We work with suppliers and customers enabling them to smooth out the fluctuations in their production allowing them to focus on their core business’s whether that be in the retail, wholesale or manufacturing sectors.
Get in touch
We think that trading is so much more than buying something from A and trading it to B. With Stara Foods, you will be dealing with the decision-makers in your sector who have direct input and interest in your business. Get in touch today to find out how we can help with your business.